Increase Your Revenue Using the Pareto Principle

Everyone is busy! Those creating an online business find themselves doing more busy work and less prospecting. What if you could reclaim work hours and increase your revenue using the Pareto Principle? Perhaps it’s more achievable than you think.   ⏰20% of Your Time Can Drive 80% More Revenue You know how sometimes, when you […]

Elevate Your Brand to Create Unstoppable Momentum

Having an online business doesn’t always mean a laid-back life. Entrepreneurs work long hours to build a business. The vision to create consistent revenue with more freedom motivates them to work harder to achieve it. But here’s what they don’t realize.    Believing Success is Inevitable by Working Hard Can Lead to False Security I’m […]

Reduce the Dangers Effects of Prolonged Sitting

“Marisa, what are you doing differently?” my doctor asked. “Why?” I thought I was in trouble for a second, but then she continued. “Your blood work is incredible. All your cholesterol numbers have improved since we last saw each other. Are you exercising more?” she inquired. She explained that my numbers looked like I had […]

What impression does your website give first-time visitors?  

What impression does your website give first-time visitors?

Many brands underestimate the importance of their website, viewing it as an online business card rather than a strategic asset. This perspective can lead to missed opportunities because your website serves as the initial point of contact between potential customers and your brand. It’s a digital handshake, an introduction where your homepage speaks volumes about […]

5 Tips to Promote Your Business

Promote Your Business Without Social Media

Promote Your Business With Less Social Media Back in the day, businesses thrived without social media. Yes, before Facebook and YouTube, people were selling and buying. I attended many Chamber of Commerce events, advertised in local magazines, hosted trade shows, and more. Building relationships was the “name of the game.” So, where does that leave […]

Monetize Momentum Instead of Ideas

Monetize Momentum Instead of Ideas

Monetize Momentum Instead of Ideas Professionals have expert knowledge, experience, and innovative ideas. It makes sense to build an online business. But a year or two later, they’re doubting themselves and wondering if they’ll ever generate enough revenue to justify the long hours. Too many entrepreneurs experience “failed success.” It’s an oxymoron that describes someone […]

Online Success with One Action: Hire a Business Strategy Coach

Online Success with One Action--Hire a Strategy Coach

Do You Need a Business Strategy Coach? Within your business, it’s difficult to self-assess to find areas of deficiency that need development. That’s why you need a business strategy coach. Bloggers, speakers, and service-based entrepreneurs often delay acquiring a business coach. They think a professional coach is for well-established brands with large teams. They think […]

Everyone is an Influencer: Why You Should Release Your Influential Power

Everyone is an Influencer: Why You Should Release Your Influential Power

WE NEED MORE INFLUENCERS When I was in High School, my parents were in the middle of a stressful divorce during the holiday season. No tree, no gifts, no family. At sixteen, I was devastated.  During that time, my English teacher asked us to write a paper about the meaning of Christmas. I had nothing […]

How To Start Over Without Being Tethered to the Past

How to Start Fresh Without Begin Tethered to the past!

Sometimes, We Need to Start Over Who would have thought mask fashion would become a thing in 2020?  Camouflage, Disney, skeletons, sparkles, sports, etc.  Let’s not forget fabric, disposable cones, or gaiters. Thank you, Amazon and Etsy! But we can’t remain tethered to the past.     Resilience in Business Pivot-pivot-pivot. That’s all I heard in 2020.   In […]

How to Recover from Burnout

How to Recover from Burnout

Have you ever had a car stall?  Or maybe a tire blowout? Putt, putt, putt, and then dead stop. As a youth, I drove many relics. I experienced the pain of having an overheated engine, a dead battery, or running out of gas.  You sometimes feel vulnerable, inconvenienced, and stupid (gas issues are preventable).  Similarly, […]